Saturday, July 26, 2008

Summer studying for the new SAT

There is little doubt that the best time to study for the SAT is during the summer. The only problem is people get incredibly lazy during the 3 months of summer, and rarely study for the SAT. This is where you can gain a competitive edge over many people who are lazy! 

Here are some tips on how to study for the SAT during the summer. 

1). Get the right preparation - Either take a class, get a private tutor, or get the right SAT book. 

a). While the first two might be expensive, self studying with an SAT prep book might be the best choice. I recommend the TutorFox SAT guide, Princeton Review, and the blue Collegeboard book to help you prepare for the SAT. 

2). Memorize 5-10 SAT vocab words per day. Many students fail to memorize SAT vocab words, and do poorly on the critical reading section. Even though there are hundreds of words, if you pace yourself, you should have no problem. Summer is especially the best time to learn vocab words, since you aren't plagued by memorizing information for other classes.

3. Take lots of practice tests, the more you take the better prepared you will be for the New SAT.

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